Sunday, April 18, 2010

Taxes, testing, temperature, and time

I did my taxes recently - yeah, I waited till nearly the last minute. My room-mate finished his up the day they were due, so at least I wasn't that late. I did my taxes online - completely this time instead of having to do my city ones manually. The forms were pretty easy, I'm getting some money back, and they didn't take too long. The city insisted that I send in my W-2's as well as doing the online form, but at least that was all they wanted off line.

I went to a Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeon recently to figure out what to do with my snoring. He had a med student with him as well and they commented on how normal my ears were. Whatever that means. The doctor also opened up my nose with some kind of instrument and they both commented on how messed up my nose was. On a scale of 1-10, my septum deviation is a 9. Like, it's almost one nostril. The doctor recommended surgery - big surprise - and was really pushing to get me to sign up for an time for the operation. When pushed too hard in any direction, I did what I always do - step back to consider. I held off making an appointment to think things over. Despite the somewhat casual attitude the doctor had, it's still a pretty big deal for me.

And with thought, well, I guess I'll go ahead and do it. I need to coordinate that with my work schedule, my co-workers schedules, my room-mate's schedule, and my swim for diabetes. And make dang sure that my insurance will cover it.

In other news... I've been conducting some usability testing on one of our websites. In the past, I've been the tech guy, but this time around I'm pretty much running the show. We did testing 2 days last week and it was interesting - but very tiring. I've been fighting a cold for a while now and that didn't really help. I've been trying to keep up with my swimming as well and I guess I'm putting more strain on my body than usual.

My room-mate has been fighting a bad cold as well. Like, bordering on bronchitis. He's missed a few days of work as a result.

I took myself for a walk yesterday, got a little stir-crazy in the apartment. My feet were tired afterwards and I was cold - but it was still good to get out for a bit.

So, mostly video games and music this weekend. And laundry.

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