Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A new personal best in the pool

Last Saturday, I decided to do a "dry run" for my Swim for Diabetes swim. My goal was 2.5 miles - further than I've gone before. I was feeling pretty good and was able to push myself - and got through three miles. That's 108 laps in 2 hours and 5 minutes.

I was very tired afterwards and almost took a nap that afternoon - but I'm no good at naps and it wouldn't have worked anyway.

So, I should have no trouble doing 2.5 miles this Saturday for the official swim - but I'd still like to bump it up to 3 if I can. One thing's for sure though, I need to eat a bigger bowl of cheerios - the ones I had last Saturday gave out at 1.75 miles.

In other news... I got a text message this morning from a co-worker as I was driving into work. It simply said "hurry up!"

I got into work, parked in my regular spot and went on into the building. My co-worker wasn't there yet - so, I texted him back with "I'm here at work, where are you?"

He showed up a couple minutes later - astonished to see me. Apparently, he had texted me from his car - he had seen me pull onto the highway and blown right past me. And then driven much faster coming into work. Somehow, I had managed to get onto campus, parked, and into the building before he did the same. We don't park in the same area and I suspect the longer walk he has to the building is the factor - though I told him I'm the master of space and time and he that he shouldn't be surprised.

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