Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween walk around 2010 - Count Orlok

This year I went for scary - all the way scary. The party last week didn't really capture what I was going for - and my fangs fell out - but for the big day, Count Orlok was ready to scare the crap out of people.

I got up early - and got my room-mate up early as well to help me out. Shaved head, whiteout contacts, fangs, white make over the whole thing. Black pants, black shoes, black umbrella - claws on my fingers.

I made my rounds in the computer center to start, then out on campus for the day. I covered a lot of ground and visited a lot of people. My friends took some amazing photos:

I snuck up on a few people and got some good scares - and I may or may not have caused a traffic accident. I was walking down a street and several cars past me - and then one rear-ended another at a traffic light. No one was hurt - but I had a moment where I thought I might have distracted a driver. I considered approaching and trying to help, but thought that a vampire might not be welcome. I came back through later when the police were there and no one gave me a second glance. So, it wasn't me.

I was wiped out by the end of the day - when I got home, I took a long shower and almost napped. (I'm not very good at napping).

I bounced back pretty quickly and I'm already planning for next year. :) But no hints.

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