Tuesday, October 26, 2010

party and hiccups

I went to a Halloween party over the weekend with some friends. I won a prize for my costume and had a nice time - though I ended up staying far later than I had anticipated. Didn't get to bed until almost 3:30 in the morning. I slept in the next day, but it was still rough to get back on track.

On Sunday, my room-mate got the hiccups and it lasted pretty much all day. One of his methods to try and get rid of them was to gulp air and then belch. Now, I'm a guy and - like babies - I appreciate the value of a good belch. But, I have to say, I actually started to get grossed out by the belching. It was impressive.

He tried peanut butter, drinking water, gasping, and several other methods before temporarily getting rid of them by holding his breath. They came back later and lasted into the night. I tried to get him to relax and eventually ignore them, but it didn't help. They finally went away yesterday - though he did throw up blood at one point.

I guess he's okay now, but it was pretty rough. And it didn't help that there was a story on the news about a girl that hiccups for 5 days, went crazy, and killed someone. Luckily, if it came down to that, I'm better armed.

Work has been very stressful these past couple days and again the biggest problem is people getting in the way of their own success. I had to take myself for a walk this afternoon to calm down a bit before I dove back into my email. Fortunately, the day is almost done and I'll be headed out of here soon. There are pumpkins to be carved at home and video games to be played.

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