Thursday, December 23, 2010

the scare

This past weekend, I helped my room-mate put his old car away for the winter. It was a miserable job and took us much longer than we expected in the cold. We also had some trouble with the exhaust building up in the storage unit and the mothballs weren't pleasant either.

With the car finally stowed, we headed back to the apartment and about 1/2 hour later, he started to have pains in his stomach. He's had these for a while, but being stubborn, he hadn't done anything about them and a heating pad usually brought relief. No such luck this time - he was in a lot of pain that didn't go away. It lasted all night and into the next morning. When I left for work he said he would call his doctor to see if they could get him in and if so, his aunt would take him.

I got a call at work later that he'd been admitted to the emergency room and they were going to do surgery on him. Turns out the pain in his stomach area was a hernia that was allowing his intestines to poke through - could have lead to an obstruction if they didn't get it resolved right away. I had two of the most useless errands to run after work, but I made it to the hospital before he went in for surgery.

The operation was a success and I was able to take him home the next day. He's resting uncomfortably and sleeping a lot. It's been pretty scary, but could have been much worse. I'm hoping he learns a lesson about being too stubborn, but only time will tell.

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