Monday, January 3, 2011

holidays and back to work

It's back to work for me - feels a little weird after so much time off. We got out early on December 23rd and just got back into the office this morning. I kept up with a couple of email accounts from home, but it was still nice to be off.

I spent part of Christmas day with my room-mate and his family at his sister's house. The kids got a Kinect and I got in on some of that action - fun stuff. The sleeper sofa was... miserable, but I got though it. The drive there and back wasn't too bad - my room-mate is still recovering from the surgery and I did all the driving. For the record, though - he's a side seat driver. I figured he would be in charge of the money for the tolls (fail) and navigation. Instead, he commandeered the radio and we listened to 70's music the whole trip. Ugh.

After a week of doing pretty much nothing, I went stir crazy and cleaned up the office at home. (this was after an episode of Hoarders) and then I started on my building a desk-out-of-a-door project. I spent a lot of time on the legs and got them looking great - then realized they are too long - making the desk too tall. Oh well, it's fixable - though a lot of work.

I met up with my co-worker and his family for lunch at Chiptole. Their little one had a spectacular diaper blowout - but otherwise it was a nice time.

This past weekend I went to see my parents, my sister, and her family. We had a good time, played some UNO and hung out with my super awesome niece. She's crawling up a storm, starting to walk, and a great pile of fun. They'll be visiting me for my upcoming birthday soon and then I'll be headed back there for my niece's birthday in a couple weeks.

So, I'm back to work today and trying to get back into the swing of things - and getting back to the pool again after a break.

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