Friday, May 21, 2010

I passed my pre-testing

On Wednesday, one week before my septum un-deviation surgery, I went in to the hospital for pre-testing.

Which was a waste of time. I was told in advance that it would 30-45 minutes - it took 15.

The nurse practitioner took my temperature, my BP and pulse, listened to my heart (she seemed to have trouble finding that one), my lungs, and oddly enough, my stomach - which didn't make nearly enough noise for her.

She looked in my ears, down my throat, and rubbed the sides of my neck. I have expected her to kill a chicken and examine it's entrails to see if I was a good candidate for the surgery.

A little bit of paperwork, a few vague suggestions, and I was on my way. No idea how much my insurance is going to be charged for that little visit, but I'm guessing it's a lot.

In other news... my sister is coming to town - and campus - to meet with one of our higher-ups about how we do our accreditation. It's right after my surgery so I'll be at home and not the best company, but it will still be nice to see her - if only for a short time.

Finally, we had a meeting yesterday - actually a webinar - about our recent usability testing. I got some praise for my role, once they got the right name, and then got slammed. In the nicest way possible. I'm not taking it personally - it was my first time running a session and I was bound to screw it up a little bit.

The meeting wrapped up with a "discussion" about the terminology used on the site we were reviewing. The people in the department insisted on using the terms you could only know if you had already been taught about them. I was in the "either explain it or change it" camp - and we nearly came to blows over it. It was like they had a secret club and you had to be "initiated" before the site made any sense. It was irksome to a geek like me.

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