Monday, May 31, 2010

It's all blood and mucus

You've been warned.

My septum un-deviation surgery was last Wednesday and while it wasn't a big deal as far as these things go, it was kind of monumental for me.

My room-mate was my driver and we got to the hospital at the designated time in the morning. I got checked in and I was signing some papers the clerk at the desk asked what the stack of papers I had was all about. I told her it was paper for Origami and my room-mate told her that I'd make her something. So, in the short time before the nurse called me back, I quickly made her a small origami person. She was excited and I was glad someone at least was having a good day.

The nurse had me change into a gown - which was more like some kind of purple construction paper than actual cloth (it also included what looked like a place to attach a vacuum hose that no one really explained to me) - and I got to keep my underwear on. Yea! Though, frankly, with the intense draining of my dignity I think I would have been better off naked.

The anesthesiologist made some jokes with us and seemed pretty cool - though she did mock me a bit for not moving my hand where they had harpooned me with the needle. She put something in my IV as they wheeled me away and there was no count down or anything. I was all of the sudden out.

I woke up in recovery with a horribly sore throat - cranky, and freaked out. Which I remember telling someone though I don't remember much else. I woke up later feeling a little better but still having a rough go. I learned later that I was "combative" I first woke up.

I was dizzy for a while and tired, but by the afternoon I was ready to go home. I slept in the lazy-boy that first night.

My sister was in town on Thursday for a meeting and she stopped by to see me - which was cool. She brought some baby pictures and stayed for lunch. I had the first of my many milk shakes.

My MFR's mom and grandmother stopped by for a short visit to see how I was doing. They didn't stay long, but told me that I could call them whenever I needed anything.

So, it's been a lot of napping - which I'm normally no good at - a lot of blood and mucus in my tissues, a lot of saline up my nose and a lot of breathing though my mouth. Which keeps the sore throat cranking away.

I'm headed back to work tomorrow, for a 1/2 day at least, and I'll play it by ear. My doctor's appointment isn't until Thursday morning, so I'm going to take it easy. I've had no bruising and only a little swelling - but the marbles up my nose are apparently enough to wear me down. I'm going to play a little of a video game and then try to get to bed early.

I'll try and fill in some of the gaps in this post later - I'm sure I'm forgetting things.

Oh, I wrote an apology to the staff at the hospital for being combative. It wasn't my fault, but I still feel bad.

That's it for now - wish me luck at work tomorrow.

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