Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Breathe in, breathe out; also, adventures in personal hygiene and grooming

I had about 27 hours of clear breathing before a cold hit me - and now I'm fighting to keep a clear nose and I'm apparently snoring again. I'm hoping it passes soon, right now it's taking more force to breathe out than it does to breathe in - which feels pretty weird.

I've been busy here this morning, but feeling curiously out of sorts. Just kind of moderately irritated by little things. It doesn't help that I'm waiting on a phone call to launch a site and I really need to hit the restroom. They are already a bit late and I'm hoping they call soon.


Well, we launched the site and things went poorly - though while I was waiting to hear back from people about what was going on, I had plenty of time to go to the restroom.

I had to raise my voice in my boss's office - though not at my boss. I was trying to report in on the site launch and suddenly the room filled up with talking people. I finally raised my hands and my voice and proclaimed that I still had the floor. My boss backed me up and we finished up our discussion. I was still Mr. Cranky-pants most of the day though.

In other news...

I shaved my face the night before my nose surgery and then didn't shave again for over a week. When it was finally time - or some would say past time - to shave, my electric razor wasn't up to the task. Which was a bummer - since it takes three weeks or more to get used to using it. I'd suspected that I wasn't going to be able to adapt - it irritated the skin on my neck something fierce. And then switching back to a razor to get the job done means I've lost ground with the shaver. Might be time to clean it up real good and put it away for a while and just go back to using a razor.

Back during the winter months I decided to try a new deodorant. I was starting to get a little concerned about the amount of chemicals I was putting on or in my body and thought taking aluminum out of the equation would be a good place to start. I switched to a mineral salt stick - you wet it with water, then apply. Simple. And effective during the winter months when I don't sweat as much. Now that summer time had rolled around, it's less effective. Primarily on the right side for some reason. So, this morning I switched back - at least for the next few months.

Finally, in totally unrelated news, I just watched a trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Looks like a fun movie, but before I could watch the trailer, I had to sit through a commercial for Outback steakhouse. Isn't a trailer a commercial for a movie? So, did I have to watch a commercial in order to watch another commercial? Is that what happened?

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