Monday, June 21, 2010

father's day weekend

I had a meeting that ran late last Friday and I decided to postpone the drive to my parent's house until Saturday morning. Instead of driving, I helped my room-mate with some yard work. I think I would have preferred fighting rush hour traffic. :)

On Saturday morning, I got up early and was on the road by 5:20 AM. I got to my parent's house at almost the same time my sister and her family was arriving - so, we all had breakfast together.

My 5 month old niece spent the entire day being awesome and adorable. She's learned how to roll over - but only in one direction. And she really has no interest in rolling the other way. My sister fed her some avocado and some cereal and most of the day was spent hanging out. We played a game and I made quacking noises like a duck to my niece that she really enjoyed.

My mom and my sister and I went together on some Father's day gifts for dad - he wants to learn how to paint landscapes and we got him all the gear he'll need to get started.

My sister and brother-in-law took the little baby home that evening and couldn't come back on Sunday - the little one has started teething and was not amused. Instead, my Dad's friend came over for lunch. He has a neruo-muscular disorder and is confined to a wheelchair. He's very difficult to understand, but not mentally impaired. He and his caretaker had taco salad with us and strawberries for dessert. His caretaker was pretty cool and lunch was fine - but it was a little weird and awkward.

After they left, I hung out with my folks for a while before getting on the road. When I got back, I found that my room-mate had done some painting. The color is okay, but I'm a little concerned about the spills on the wood trim and the floor. I think we got things pretty well cleaned up when I got home, but the lighting wasn't good and I'm hoping the landlord doesn't complain.

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