Wednesday, June 2, 2010

a funny taste in my mouth

1. I've had this for a couple of days - might be a side effect of coming off the pain meds from my surgery - but I've got a weird chemical taste in my mouth. It's not horrible, but it's persistent and nothing seems to get rid of it.

2. Found out that my next door neighbors had their vehicles broken into. Well, sort of. One had a window broken and the still turned on GPS stolen. The other was left unlocked and tools were stolen out of it.
My room-mate and I are substantially more careful than they are in general, but we talked a little about how we can be a little safer. It's not a bad neighborhood by any means, but even good neighborhoods can be vulnerable to opportunity.

3. One of my co-workers has been without email for about 6 days now. His email is routed in a way that I'm pretty sure is unique to the entire campus - and I'm not sure why he just doesn't do it like everyone else. If I was without email for 6 days - involuntarily - I think I'd be pretty ticked off and looking for a solution.

4. I've been playing Final Fantasy 13 for a few days now. It's a good game - I think, I'm only 21 hours into it - but strangely linear for a game like this. The combat is fast paced and complex, but elements seem to drag or are overly simplified. I'm enjoying it, but it's really not what I expected.

5. One unpleasant side effect from my surgery that no one told me about beforehand is that the anesthesia inhibits normal bowel function afterwards. I've managed - with difficulty - to go a couple of times since my surgery, but I'm essentially, well, full of it.

6. I did a full day of work yesterday and did okay - though I was pretty wiped out by the time the day ended. I slept pretty well last night and seem to be doing okay today so far, but I'll be more glad than usual when the week is done.

7. I go in to have the splints in my nose removed tomorrow - which will be a relief though I've been told the actual process is terrible. Maybe I'll get a heads up on what happened when I came out of the surgery - I've been told I was combative, but I don't really know what that means.

8. Finally, the underside of my SoBe bottle cap told me yesterday "You're so cool".

The SoBe has spoken.

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