Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I spent much of my Monday in a bad mood. Must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed - I was cranky all day. And pretty much every email or phone call I got just ticked me off more. I couldn't even enjoy my swim - I got dizzy at the end and had to stop and rest. I got home, spent most of the evening cranky and went to bed cranky.

So, I get into work with a resolve to have a better attitude and I check my voice-mail. I had one message - from 5:30 the evening before - asking for help with a project that needed to be done that night.


Now, I'm pretty much used to the "last minute" on projects - it's kinda the way things go. But this one really took the cake. I called them this morning and they had worked around the system and gotten whatever Incredibly! Important! Thing! done that they needed to get done.

So, I actually had people contributing to my bad mood when I wasn't even here. A sort of time delay annoyance.

(insert head shaking here)

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