Monday, February 8, 2010

A good deed goes unpunished

I took myself for a walk on Saturday. The roads were cleared from the massive snow we got, but the sides were piled with drifts and plowed snow. And that's where I found myself when the traffic came barreling my way. At one point I was thigh-deep in the snow.

I went to Staples for a keyboard tray, mouse, and laptop case. And I ended up being somewhat encumbered on the trip back. I was pretty well worn out by the time I got home and took a mid-afternoon bath to relax and warm up.

Went out to dinner at CiCi's pizza and picked up a couple of cheap games for the Wii. I also finished up watching Logan's Run on DVD. Not a great movie, but the themes are interesting.

On Sunday, I went to the hospital to visit my FRM's grandmother. She was in for gall bladder surgery and though they had a bit of a scare after the surgery she's doing much better. I think she really appreciated seeing me, so, that was good.

I finally got around to sending in a donation to the Airedale Terrier Rescue and Adoption. Been meaning to do this since my parent's dog had to be put to sleep, but I wasn't sure what to include in the note. Got that written up last night and in the mail today.

Watched a little of the show "Hoaders" - in a word, whoa. Made me want to clean my basement - just in case.

My room-mate and I are going to go pick up the recliner today. Maybe. A family friend of his passed away over the weekend and the calling hours are this evening. He doesn't really want to make the drive there tonight - I guess it will depend on if he can get any time off tomorrow for the actual service. If he stays in the area, we'll pick up the new recliner and maybe a door for me to make into a desk.

Well, got a meeting coming up - better get ready for that.

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