Monday, February 22, 2010

I just want one slice.

So, standing in line to get some lunch, I order my usual: 1 slice of pepperoni pizza and a small rigatoni without sauce. There's no one else in line, so the two guys there both work on my order. The pizza guy hands me a plate with two slices of pizza on it.

"No," I say, "Just one slice,"

"These are really small, it counts as one," he replied.

They looked about the same size as they usually do, so I thanked him and went to collect my rigatoni. The second guy hands it to me, then he and I both go down to the register so I can pay for my food. I also get a bottle of green tea and he rings up the items - including 2 slices of pizza. Not one slice made up of two small pieces - 2 separate pieces at full price each.

There was a moment - a sliver to time too small to even complete a thought - where I began to consider trying to explain. Just as soon as I began to consider it, I realized that there were better things I could be doing with the rest of my life and I just took my lumps - and my second slice of pizza - and headed on my way.

There's a lesson to be learned in there somewhere - but I don't really know what it is.

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