Tuesday, January 18, 2011

sick, birthday, paint, tron

I'm still sick. Can't remember the last time I was ill this long before. I'm better, it's just a sore throat at this point, but it's still bothering me. I finished up my antibiotics over the weekend and I'm still taking cold medicine. Tired of being sick.

My family visited on Saturday for my birthday. We had some cake, went to a Paint Your Own Pottery store, went out to dinner, and had more cake. My niece was there and did much of the entertaining - she's walking everywhere and with much more confidence.

The pottery store was fun - though as we getting ready to leave, I bent down to pick up my coat and gashed the side of my head on a display table. I didn't break anything, fortunately, but I was bleeding pretty good. One of the women that worked there said she hits that all the time. I think she was trying to make me feel better, but I just wondered why they didn't fix it.

Went out to dinner with some friends on Sunday evening. Had a nice time and the food was really good.

I was off work on Monday and went and saw TRON Legacy. The visuals were impressive, but the sound in the theater was really bad and the story could have used some work. Still, the 3D was fun and I liked it overall.

Back to work now with a short week. Just heard the boss come in - I should go look busy now.

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