Thursday, January 27, 2011

strep, niece, eyes, salt, heart

I'm still doing battle with the remnants of strep throat - though it's now reduced itself to a sore throat and occasional cough. It's rare for me to be sick for so long - and it's making me cranky. Or at least crankier than usual.

My niece's birthday was last weekend and my sister threw a party. It was rubber ducked themed and my sister made cup cakes that looked like little ducks. My niece enjoyed the presents - or rather, the boxes they came in and the cards - and had a lot of fun running around. I tried to keep up with her - but she wore me out.

Earlier this week, I woke up with a sore eye - which swiftly turned red and started, well, oozing. Kinda looked like the squishy gunk when you fall asleep - but before it turns to "sand". There was a lot of it too. I bought some eye drops and an eye patch to try and give it a break. This has been a couple of days ago, and it's getting better - though this morning the gunk sealed both my eyelids shut until I could get some warm water on them. Gross and weird. My eyes are still pretty red, but getting better. It's most likely pink eye - which will go away by itself. I'm trying to keep from touching my eyes and I'm washing my hands like I've got OCD - so, I should be back to normal soon. Or at least as close as I ever get.

I watched Salt last night on DVD. Good stuff. Lots of action and some nice plot twists.

Finally, I've volunteered to make some origami hearts for a fund raiser dinner/dance coming up soon. I'm hoping to get the final count today before I can leave so I can get the paper cut and start folding this evening. It's not a very complicated fold, but it will take some time to get them done.

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