Friday, January 7, 2011

very sick

Tuesday afternoon, I conducted two back to back training sessions at work and started to lose my voice. I didn't think much of it - I'm not used to talking for 3 hours solid. Once I stopped talking, though, it didn't get better. The next day at work, I had a sore throat and I sounded really bad.

Thursday morning I woke up and felt like crap. Terrible sore throat, horrible headache. I got out of bed just long enough to sent a "I feel like crap and I'm not coming into work" email and make an appointment to see the doctor that afternoon. One of my co-workers had to go to the emergency room with Strep throat recently and I was worried that I had the same thing.

So, Thursday afternoon I headed to the doctor's office and got the diagnosis - strep. He prescribed some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

I started taking them last night, but before they could do any good, I got much worse. I had the chills, some nausea, and my fever spiked at 100.5 degrees. Kinda scary. I went from sweating like crazy to shivering. All the while, I was in and out of this really messed up dream where I was trying to react to a constantly changing series of disasters.

I was still feeling rough this morning, but I took my medicine and tried to be productive. Got through most of my work email and I'm working on laundry now.

It's funny how quickly things can go from same old, same old to really, really bad. I'm doing better - though my throat is still sore - and I should be back to work on Monday.

Time to go gargle some salt water and see if that helps.

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