Wednesday, February 9, 2011

hearts, games, sick, test, work, hair

I ended up making 300 hearts for the Hearts for Humanity dinner/dance. I timed myself and was able to make one heart in 50 seconds. You can do the math on that one - then add in time to actually cut the paper to 1/2 squares. I didn't get any feedback, but I'm still pleased with the accomplishment.

I've been spending a lot of time on the PS3 recently. I beat Assassin's Creed 2 last weekend and I've been playing a fun game called Nier - with an impossibly foul-mouthed character. She swears every time she talks and called someone a "shit-hog" before getting turned to stone. I'm hoping she comes back - her word choice is pretty funny. I've also played a little Batman. When he's fighting, he moves like a freaking ninja. When he's just walking around, he moves like Frankenstein's monster. I almost expect to hear a "clunk" when he takes a step.

I've still sick. The pink-eye is essentially gone, but I've still got a bad cough. It's just enough to be really annoying. If it doesn't get better, I guess I'll head back to the doctor. Hasn't stopped me from swimming, but it does slow me down.

The University is offering an incentive to us to go through a simple health screening and fill out a survey - then reward us with $120 in our paycheck. I was a little... ummm... disconcerted about this - there's a general feeling of unease with providing medical data that could be then used against you.

But, I reasoned that I'm generally healthy and in reasonably good shape -and the people asking for the data already have it since it's tied into my insurance anyway. The only potential worry would be my cholesterol - which, last time it was checked, was a little high.

So, I went to the health screening today before my swim and lunch. The BMI and blood pressure were normal - but they couldn't get the cholesterol test to work. They did the finger stick twice and the machine kept failing. So, they finally just wrote down that it didn't work and said I'd still get credit for the screening. Which works out nicely.

I had kinda earned a "something going right" - the past few days at work have been insanely busy. Non stop email, phone, webpages, etc - I've been in a kind of media overload. I got a lot done, but it wore me out mentally.

This afternoon, I got another "something going right". I went to get my haircut after work and only had to wait a few minutes. I got my stand "#1 buzzcut over my whole head" - since it's proof against stocking cap hat-hair. The stylist finished this in no time at all - then only charged me half the regular amount. She said she didn't think it was right to charge me full price when it only took 6 minutes to cut. So, I gave her a couple bucks tip and was on my way.

Well, back to the video games for me - I'm thinking about going out to dinner tonight.

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