Sunday, March 27, 2011

catching up

I just finished up my antibiotics today - I'm hoping that the trend of getting better stays the course. Still a bit of a cough this morning, but I'm feeling pretty good.

I fought through the cough this past week to get my laps in at the pool - and did 45 yesterday. The last ten involved coughing underwater, but I avoided drowning - which is always a good goal. So, 90 laps for the week and back on track.

Earlier this week I helped run a series of usability tests on part of our website for work. It went pretty well and I think we got some good information, but it took a lot out of me.

I also did my taxes. Which I despise. I don't know that anyone really enjoys doing their taxes, but I've taken it to a new level of despising. I'm getting some money back on federal and from the state - and I didn't owe the city anything. So, it's over and done for the year - just wish it wasn't always so complicated.

In other not-terribly-awesome news... I've decided to boycott chik-fil-a. I found out that - despite the tasty food and disturbingly polite and friendly service - they are kinda evil. Or rather, their corporate office funds other folks that are evil. I guess it's a bit like BP - though in their case they are pretending to admit they are wrong and then still being amazingly evil and greedy. I can respect that. Chik-fil-a thinks they are doing the right thing and that is a bit more disturbing. I'm considering writing an email to their corporate office, but seems a little futile.

Went and saw Red Riding Hood last night. Pretty good, nice twist at the end - though it did drag on a bit.

I've been playing Overlord for a while now on the PS3. I've played this before and didn't make a lot of progress, but this time around I've got some new tactics and it's a lot more fun.

And finally, I'm thinking about doing a little work today. I've got a survey to build that looked like a bit of fun - or I may work some more on my new desk for home.

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