Saturday, March 12, 2011

coughing and crazy

A week ago Thursday, I started getting a cough. By Friday, I was a mess. Took the day off and spent most of the coughing, then coughing so hard I would throw up, then throwing up so hard I would get dizzy. The weekend sucked. Took Monday off. Finally back to work on Tuesday, still sick.

I kept fighting it and finally gave up yesterday and went to the doctor. The diagnosis is bronchitis and doctor go met a prescription. I'm getting tired of the constant cough and having to sleep sitting up. I've even been too tired to play video games most of the time.

My room-mate has pretty much the same thing - though he has been mixing his over-the-counter meds with some disturbing results. The lines between "reality" and "crazy talk" blurred enough that he tried to convince me that the reason we were both sick with the same thing at the same time was that we were "taken" by space aliens. He explained that he had "awakened" at night and seen stars on the ceiling and then they started to move - he felt like he was someplace else.

And then he got ticked when I didn't believe him. Really. I tried to argue with him that his explanation was the "least likely" of possibilities instead of the "most likely", but then I just gave up. There's only so much I can handle when I'm that sick and I'd already broken my number #1 rule - "Don't f*@# with crazy people".

The next day he called me at work to complain about the people in his room and how a little girl plugged in her electric cat and let it run across the bed and then how someone peed on him. That evening, when I woke up from a nap and came downstairs, he got confused between day and night.

I finally got him convinced that he really needs to stop mixing the meds and he's doing much better now. Still as sick as I am, but way less crazy.

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