Tuesday, March 8, 2011

donating blood and a loss

I went to donate blood yesterday after work. I didn't have an appointment, but it didn't really slow anything down. Went through the usual process right up until they did the needle stick. The nurse was alerted to a problem and hurried over to the snack table. A high-school aged guy had his head down on the table and was about to pass out. A couple of the nurses got damp cloths and carefully tipped him back over in his chair so his feet were elevated. It looked a little weird, but seemed to do the job. They kept him like that for a few minutes, then moved him onto one of the beds. He had turned a strange shade of green and stayed that way all through my donation - which went smoothly and uneventfully. (though the actual needle stick was a little rough - I'm guessing she was distracted) I'm guessing he didn't eat before his donation - I learned my lesson on that a while ago.

When I was done, I went to stop at the snack table, but there was no room. So, mildly cranky at being denied my juice and cookie, I headed on home - no worse for wear.

That evening I got a call from my former room-mate's mom. She told me that my FRM's former girlfriend's mom had passed away. Seems like a tenuous connection to me, but as much of a jerk as my FRM could be - he did manage to surround himself with good people. So, I get along well with his mom, his former girlfriend, and her mom. The service is to today and I can't get out of work, but I got an address and put a card in the mail. Doesn't seem like enough, but maybe it will help.

Busy day ahead of me - lots of work to do. Better get to it.

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