Monday, December 7, 2009

Alex, I'll take "things that are odd" for $800

It's a Daily Double! Or rather, a weekend double.

First, pomegranate. I like the juice quite a bit, I'm quite familiar with the story of Persephone, and I like it in tea, but I've never actually eaten the fruit. Turns out, it's pretty complicated. Based on some helpful suggestions I found on the internet, I gave it whirl.

1. Step one, cut the top of the pom into 4 pieces.
2. Submerge in water
3. Pull open and remove seeds (they sink) into water while the other bits float

This is fairly time consuming, but kinda fun. To actually eat the seeds (the good bit), you first gently bite down on the seeds to rupture the external pulp and get the juice - then spit out the seeds.

Lot of bowls involved in this and a fair amount of work, but very tasty.

Second, my room-mate's Christmas list. As is tradition, since we're both tough to shop for, we both went through a bunch of catalogs and marked them up with things we'd like to get. Lots of options = surprise, but since we pick things out, we don't get something we don't like.

Clever, right? Except he picked out the most incredibly boring stuff. Clogs. Custom size blue jeans. And socks. I kid you not. Socks. And not just ordinary socks - compression socks for circulation. (insert head shaking here)

The non-clothing items included: over-priced cologne, a book about cars, and a fruit fly trap.


So, I'm going to get him a big bottle of Geritol and call it a day. I mean, where's the fun? These are the kind of things you'd get from your elderly aunt or something.

That's all the odd things I have to report - but since it's not yet 8:00, I'm sure I'll have more later.

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