Friday, December 4, 2009

do you really need extra mayo?

The past few days of work have been really stressful. Lots of things going wrong, difficult people, and broken systems. Throw in some impossible deadlines and I ended up really cranky. To add to this, I went to McDonald's last night. Now, I generally like the food there and I exercise enough that it it doesn't destroy me, but the service there is really bad. Even worse than the local burger king and I could swear I felt myself aging last time I stood in line there.

So, McDonalds and the kid behind the counter was obviously new there. And didn't have enough training. The two women in front of us were, well, large. And insistent on getting extra mayo on their sandwiches. And getting their free coke glasses. And sweet tea. And so on.

I'm not really patient in line - or in general, for that matter - and there wasn't enough paper in the world to keep me calm. I folded a crane anyway, growled under my breath, and waited. When it was finally my turn, I kept my order as simple as possible. Large, 10 piece chicken nugget meal and a parfait. He still managed to mess that up, but at least I tried. I had to go back up to the counter after getting my food since they forgot my drink. One of the large women was there as well - getting extra salt.

Really? Extra salt too? (insert head shaking here)

In other news... I'm working on my Christmas shopping, made a little progress. I'll go out again tonight and see if I can get some more done.

I got a weird email from my mom recently. She talked a lot about rearranging the furniture in one of the rooms of their house and getting new furniture to turn the office into a game room with a card table. She wrapped up the email with an "oh-by-the-way" - my Dad had an infection on his face that sent him to Urgent Care for antibiotics and Vicodin for the pain of his swelled up face. I'm thinking that should have been the leading story or maybe a phone call the day of instead of an email three days later - but I guess this means it wasn't that serious and that he's doing okay.

I've been kicking ass in the pool - just did three sets of three laps of butterfly on Wednesday. This after doing six laps of butterfly in a row on Monday. The main pool is closed today for a swim meet, but I'm going to see if I can use the other pool instead.

Finally, I recently saw a post on a site about Russian nesting dolls painted to look like eyeballs on stalks. Really creepy and clever and I wondered if I could do that. I looked on amazon, found some blank ones for sale, and ordered a set. They finally arrived this week - from Russia! All the writing was in Russian and the sender included a Russian coin too. It was pretty cool. So, now I have to plan out what I want it to look like and get to painting.

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