Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's not real, just go to sleep.

I made the mistake of watching Batman vs. Dracula on DVD last night, following it up with some time playing a game called Sacred. Much of the game time was spent wandering the desert, killing - or rather, re-killing - a horde of skeletons, zombies, mummies, litches, etc. I ended up with a whole inventory of skulls that I later traded for gold.

Apparently, the combination of the DVD and the game was more intense than I expected - I was actually a little nervous turning out the light to go to sleep last night. And yes, I'm almost 37. Bite me.

I woke up several times in the night and ended up having some really disturbing dreams. Ummm... Happy Holidays, anyone?

I'm digging the game, and kicking some serious butt with a Daemon that I've named Atropa. Atropa is a bad-ass and she knows it - always spouting off about how all the other creatures are weaklings and how her blade will drip with their blood. These pronouncements are random - she announced that she was looking forward to the blood and mayhem after being asked by an NPC to go and find their favorite shirt. Yes, some of the quests are really that bad. But, you get to kill dragons - so, that's cool.

Atropa had one really good line recently. "There's no point in running, you'll just die tired!" On one level, it's the Daemon just being a bad-ass. On another level... well, I may be reading too much into this, but perhaps it's a reminder to slow down and appreciate life. We all have to go in the end.

In other news... watched a couple of movies over the weekend. On pay-per-view - "Drag me to hell". It was over-the-top, jump out at you, gross/scary. Predictable and more than a little silly - it was still fun. Except for the vomiting.

Went and saw Avatar in 3D. Really good film, great effects, cool 3D, good acting - very sad story. The 3D gave me a bit of a headache over time - even with the pre-movie Motrin - but it was worth it.

Finally, from the "I'm an idiot" files - I bought the same book twice. It was highlighted on a blog I follow and I read the first chapter online, then considering buying it. I thought about waiting and adding it to my birthday list, but then apparently decided to go ahead and get it. Unfortunately, it was in a bag with some supplies for a project I put off - and then forgot about. I then read a bit more about the book and the next time I put in an amazon order, I ordered it. It came in, I cleaned out my project bag - and realized I had two copies.

Still haven't read it. Hope it's good.

Right now, I'm listening to More Shine by Si*Se http://www.myspace.com/sise - good stuff there.

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