Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pardon me while I sneeze

Major sneezing fit just now. Must be some kind of delayed reaction to my walk. I've been cooped up in the house a bit too much recently and decided to brave the temps and walk to Target. Well, Chipotle, then Target. It wasn't too cold or windy - pretty nice, actually. I was pretty well bundled up when I started, but I began to cook and finished the trip with my hat or gloves.

Last week, I visited my parents and my sister and brother in law for Christmas. Had a pretty nice time and played a lot of games. The only one I didn't enjoy was Shanghai Rummy. Very stressful game - and I don't think enough time had passed since we lasted played it. To enjoy it, I think, you must first forget how little fun it is in the later hands. And we hadn't forgotten.

Christmas itself was fun - I got some good stuff and my family like the stuff I got for them. The best present was a decorative wooden box. I opened it and found what looked like a small loaf of bread wrapped in foil. "It's a burrito!" I exclaimed with a laugh and then unwrapped it to discover a Chiptole gift card. :) Very clever.

On the drive back I started to work on a short story in my head. I usually don't listen to music when I drive anymore so it was a good way to pass the time.

I've been off this week and it's been a good time to unwind and decompress. I've done a little work around the apartment and a little work on the computer - as well as keeping up with my email.

I've also been playing a lot of video games - and I actually had a game beat me. Which is a little odd. I've beaten games or given up on them, but a "hack-and-slash" game isn't usually over until you complete the quests or just stop playing. In this case, I made a mistake that I didn't realize was a mistake and made it impossible to continue. I had to start over from the beginning. It sucked.

Other things that sucked include the shredder - no, not the TMNT villain, though he was pretty cool. This is the paper shredder that keeps breaking, jamming, or overheating, or not shutting off. My room-mate will tell you that it's not his fault that these keep breaking - I would disagree with that assessment. In any case, I bought a new high powered cross cut shredder at Staples. Oh, and it will also shred staples as well - ironically. It works really well, but seems pissed off at the paper it's working on. Which is guess is okay. It also has warnings not to shred your tie, your hair, your spay cans, your hands, or your baby. Though I may be interpreting the warnings wrong.

No real plans for New Year's Eve - though I guess avoiding watching the ball drop is sort of a plan. I really don't care for those shows on TV about the big parties elsewhere. It all seems so fake. And the hoopla seems about as interesting as making resolutions. Those never work.

Did I just Bah-Humbug New Year's Eve? Hmmm... guess so.

In other news... my sister is due to have her baby in late January. Last time I talked to her, she said she felt huge, but I thought she looked great and seemed to be doing well. I'll be headed to visit in mid January for my birthday and I hope I'll get to visit again when she delivers. I'm fully prepared to begin spoiling the little one as soon as possible.

Well, I just heard the laundry beep, seems like as good a place to stop as any. Oh, yeah, I'm a party animal.

Happy New Year!

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