Wednesday, February 23, 2011

health, weather, mental dislocated

I did an online health survey yesterday and according to that, I'm apparently near death. High risk for like half a dozen serious ailments and conditions. I guess I'd be more worried if the health screening I did recently was even slightly accurate and if the health survey wasn't so dang vague. I'm going to take this with a grain of salt - which I should be cutting back on - and just keep doing what I've been doing.

I got my oil changed yesterday and managed to get out of there without any "add-ons" this time - though they really really wanted to rotate my tires.

The weather has been a little rough here recently - and though I managed to make it into work yesterday, several of my co-workers got hit harder and worked from home. It made for a quiet day around the office - but surprisingly a little lonely.

I haven't been sleeping well - mostly stress and caffeine. The later of which I had cut out of my diet but somehow managed to creep back in. I guess I need to go cold turkey on soda again. Not sure what to do about the stress.

I've been feeling kinda weird recently - even weirder than I'm used to. Just mentally dislocated and not myself. I'm really missing the sunshine - that blip last weekend wasn't enough.

So, back to work. Webpages to make and the day to be saved.

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