Monday, November 30, 2009

If a butterfly flaps its wings and causes a hurricane, is it as tired as me?

I did 6 laps in a row of butterfly today in the pool. I then followed it up with 15 laps of backstroke, back stroke, and crawl. This is a new record for me and I felt pretty good when I was finally done - though tired. I'll try this again on Wednesday and eventually work my way up to less rest time and more laps.

Also, on the mohawk front - one of the guys at the Starbucks I go to said recently,
"Dude, great mohawk! Did you lose a bet?" I told him no, this was on purpose. He was impressed, but it's not really the reaction I was hoping for.

In better news, one of my colleagues had a present for me when I ran into her outside the student union - a mini lego figure of santa claus. They were giving these out over the weekend and she got one and thought of me. He's on a key chain and looks really cool.

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