Friday, March 26, 2010

After all that, I'm skipping my swim today

This morning, I took an early lunch to go to the doctor's office to get some blood drawn. I would have done this on Wednesday when I had my regular appointment, but I didn't know I shouldn't have eaten anything. So, hungry, I get to the doctor's office and start to sign in. Oh, no, I'm at the wrong window. So, I go to the right window and they tell me to sign in and also sign in at a yet another window. I get in line there, sign in, and get out some paper - assuming a long wait.

Surprisingly, my name is called after only a short wait and I go into a small room where the very friendly nurse tells me she doesn't like to keep people waiting. In moments she had drawn the blood and sent me on my way - telling me to go right on past the other windows. No need to check out - or pay, apparently - since this would normally have been done as part of my appointment.

I head over to McDonalds to get some lunch and then back to work. Given the time of day, I had to park far from my office and walk back. I stepped on a patch of black ice...

... and down I went. I hit the ground like Whitney Houston hitting a crack pipe. (Okay, so that's a little mean, but come on, the woman had it all and destroyed her voice and career with drugs).

I landed on the meaty part of my butt, rolled onto my back, then hit my head on the ground.

Chicken nuggets flew everywhere.

(wait, that made it sound like chicken nuggets flew out of my head like some kind of poultry pinata. I meant that I lost control of my bag of McDonald's and the chicken nuggets went all over the place when I hit my head on pavement.)

I started to get up, then just lay there for a moment hoping to get some sympathy from a random passerby. When I realized that wasn't going to happen, I got up and gathered the remains of my lunch and my dignity. Lunch went in the trash and I went back to the office.

After checking in, I headed back out to try and find my sunglasses and get some lunch. Sunglasses found at the scene of the crime and I got some lunch at a restaurant on campus.

I'm back in the office, a little worse for wear. Headache, tired, and grumpy. I'd really just like to go home and play video games. Or nap, but I'd be too worried about having a concussion and dying in my sleep or something to enjoy it.

2 hours left to go in the day - better get back to it.

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