Monday, March 22, 2010

Jerk Chicken? No, I had the fish.

Went out to Wasabi Steakhouse for dinner on Saturday evening. It was... not a terribly great experience.

Despite being 10 minutes early for the reservation, we had to wait nearly a 1/2 hour for a table. A party of 8 was seated right next to us and proceeded to ruin the evening.

They were very loud. One of the men in particular shared these comments:

1. He's a "very important" doctor.
2. The most interesting lecture he ever attended in med school was a radiologist that shared x-rays of things found in people's rectums
3. He's celebrating his anniversary to his second wife and made some unpleasant comments about his first wife.
4. He plays a lot of golf and enjoys mocking those that are not as good as he is.

As the evening wore on, all the people at that table got louder, ruder, and less pleasant. After one particularly damming comment, I mentally came up with 5-6 ways to end his life, and then did my best to tune him out.

In the presence of very polite and mostly Asian wait-staff, I began to see this group as 'ugly americans'. How must we look to people from different cultures when this guy is representing us? Loud, rude, arrogant, ill-mannered.

On the plus side of the evening:

1. The server was very friendly.
2. The soup was excellent.
3. The table on the other side was quiet and polite - I made paper dragons for them.
4. The fish was okay.
5. The ice cream dessert was very good.
6. The sushi was good, though the portions were small.

I also tried out my new lightsaber chopsticks - they were too slippery to work well. But they did look cool.

The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet. I played a lot of inFamous - and kicked a lot of ass. Good game, very much like a comic book you get to play. I'm playing the character as a hero - which is pretty cool.

I also did a lot a reading and spent some time outside enjoying the day.

I got some news about my aunt as well - she came through her surgery okay and the doctors are trying to determine the type of cancer to see how to proceed. So, good news there, but still pretty scary.

Just now got another update on my aunt from my mom. Pretty much more of the same - though mom threw in some strangely aggressive comments on about how I need to pray more.

I was a little restless over the weekend and don't feel like I got much accomplished, but time to put that aside and get back to work.

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