Thursday, March 25, 2010

Do you feel a draft, or is it just me?

I left work a little early yesterday to take myself to the doctor. The goal was a general checkup and some discussion about my snoring problem - which is apparently loud enough to wake the dead. And you know how I feel about zombies.

I got there early - anticipating traffic and paperwork, neither of which manifested - and was taken into the exam room early. The nurse took my blood pressure and temperature and set out a hospital gown, saying that the doctor would see me, then have me change into the gown for the rest of the exam.

I waited patiently, then talked to the doctor for a bit when he came in. We talked a little about health history, then he told me to change into the gown and he'd be back.

Now, I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but something about that gown - open in the back, too short, etc. - tends to swiftly drain the dignity out of a person. I honestly think I would have felt better just being naked.

The doctor checked my lungs, poked me in the stomach and the glands in my neck, and then did the 'turn your head and cough' routine. I also found out that I needed a tetanus shot - I guess we're due for one every 10 years and I'd never had one. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health and told me the office would be calling me to set up an appointment with an ENT doctor for the snoring. I got dressed again and the nurse came in to give me the shot. I stopped her before she proceeded and asked about side effects - a concern since I'd never had one. Soreness in the arm for a few days was the answer and I let her go ahead. I'm supposed to go back in to get some blood drawn sometime this week.

So, overall, a good visit.

I swam a mile yesterday at lunchtime with the pools lanes set the "long way". I'm used to more, shorter laps and was pretty worn out when I was done. Still trying to get ready for the swim for diabetes.

Played more InFamous last night - went up against these gigantic golem creatures. Turns out the best tactic is throw lighting balls at them and keep moving. And hope for the best.

"Lost" was interesting this week, though my room-mate took what I saw as a deliberate misdirection with the show and decided it validated his theories. I tried to convince him otherwise, but gave up quickly.

I've been reading a pretty good book called "Innocent Mage" by Karen Miller. It's been a fun read, but it took a very abrupt twist in the final section and left with an insane cliff-hanging. I've already bought the sequel so I can jump right back in there, but it was a little jarring.

I got another update from mom about my aunt. She's supposed to meet with the doctors again today with more information on what they found with the surgery and what additional treatment options are available. We're all keeping her in our thoughts.

And speaking of thoughts - I got a second email from mom shortly after my last blog post. I talked to my sister that evening and got the full scoop. I'm paraphrasing and summing up:

Apparently mom talked to my sister and asked if it was a good idea to remind me to pray for my aunt. My sister, of course, said no - reasoning, I'm guessing, that I'm an adult. Mom reminded me anyway in an email - prompting me to post an entry in my blog. My sister reads my blog ("Hi!") and she told mom about it. Mom read the post and responded back to me with another email. Which I didn't respond to. The content had me pretty riled up for a while and I actually wrote a couple of responses before deleting them - reasoning that if an interpretation of an email started this whole thing, then another email is unlikely to make things more clear.

I sort of expected a phone call about that - but it looks like mom is dropping it and I'm eager to do so as well. Not that I won't stand my ground if confronted, but I'm all about not making things worse if it can be avoided.

Ah, the Internet. What would we do without it?

Today is Chipotle day - so, without a doubt, my afternoon will be good. For now, though, back to work.

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