Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Things are out of sync, it seems

The latest update on my aunt is that she's in good spirits and recovering from her brain surgery. The doctors got 85% of the tumor, but the remaining 15% is "the bad kind" of cancer. Left untreated, she may have less than two years. She's got another appointment with a doctor once she's healed up a bit more from the surgery to see what treatment options she has. The surgeon estimates that if she hadn't had the seizures when she did, she might not have lasted 2 months. So, I guess the seizures were a good thing, but I don't think that really balances out with the negative of what they revealed.

I've got my own health issues plaguing me - though nothing as severe as what my aunt has going on. My recent trip to the doctor - and the subsequent bloodwork - has revealed that I have "moderately high cholesterol". They didn't give me the exact numbers over the phone, but told me to watch what I eat and get another test done in 6 months.

Which sucks. I mean, I already try to eat fairly well, but apparently there's been too much fast-food in my diet. I sense a lot of whole grain and salads in my future.

I've also got an appointment to see a doctor about my snoring, which continues to be epic. The doctor I'll be seeing in a couple of weeks is a surgeon - and that bothers me a bunch. I mean, aren't there more placebos and hack remedies to try first? I haven't committed to anything yet and I guess if I've got some kind of apnea the longer I wait the worse it could be for me, but it still worries me.

Work has been crazy busy - and we ran into a difficult situation recently. I think I've mentioned before that I've helped with usability testing on websites, well, we're getting ready to do another round of testing and I contacted the software providers about getting an upgrade on the testing application. They responded back and told me that it had already been done - by another on-campus department. When the project was first kicked off, my group supplied the software and the computer and another department supplied the location. And now we've got a third department that took over the facility and didn't bother to check with anyone on the software or - more importantly - the scheduling. Which has suddenly become more complicated.

To top it off, it looks like I'll be leading the sessions as well as doing tech support on the project. I sort of knew this was coming and it will be a good opportunity that I'm pretty sure I could do in my sleep (provided the snoring doesn't bother anyone), but there's still a degree of stress with that. We're getting it all worked out and in the long run it's actually better for my group - but still...

Yeah, yeah- I know. "Pity, party of one"

I've got a good job, a car, and an apartment. Enough money in the bank. I'm in relatively good shape and I get along with people - and I sleep really throughly. I should be happy, but a little misery seems to creep in.

In other news... I've resumed digitizing my music collection. I feel a bit like a robot loading the CD's into my computer and then removing then once the music has been added to my external hard-drive. But, I'm also rewatching seasons 1-3 of the Venture Bros. so the time goes by quickly.

I watched Lost last night - a good episode, but I think the "flash-sideways" into an alternate timeline is getting less interesting in the face of the "main" timeline. I also watched V - which is not bad but the pace seems a little slow.

I'm going to hit the pool again today. Planning on using my flippers again and seeing if I can do a mile with them on.

Well, time to wrap up a few projects before I go for my swim/lunch. Got a pile of meetings this afternoon.

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