Friday, March 26, 2010

The second most boring traffic accident I have ever seen

It was my turn to drive to Chipotle yesterday and on the way back we were stopped at a red light. I was sensibly paying attention to the car in front of me and the light - and therefore missed much of the traffic accident that occured just to the right of us. A women - with a small dog in her lap - ran a red light and hit a van that was entering the intersection on a yellow/red. One of the passengers in my car is a volunteer paramedic and asked me to pull into a nearby parking lot. We parked and he and my other passenger got out to go help - and make a report of what they'd seen if needed. I only saw the tail end of the accident and since I don't have any training in that area - and there were more qualified people there - I stayed back with my car and out of the way.

No one was hurt - though I imagine the dog was a little shaken up when the airbag deployed - and there wasn't much for anyone to do. The police had been called, but were slow in responding, so a business card was left with contact information. I also made a note of the license plate numbers in my phone. And then we went back to work.

The most boring traffic accident I've seen occurred when I lived in Miami. Same situation as this one for the most part but at even lower speed.

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