Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All summer in a day

I forgot to mention that this past weekend, I laid out in the sun and read a book while working on a tan. Well, not so much working on a tan as just enjoying the mid-November sunshine. I was shirtless, but had on blue jeans as my concession to the lateness of the year. Still, felt a little like summer.

We had a really long division wide meeting yesterday morning. I didn't really get a lot out of it - though the breakfast was good and there was mention of a lunch room being built in our building. The meeting itself was in the new stadium so that was cool. I think we either need to have a lot more of these meetings to stay caught up on projects since much of time spent was getting us caught up on the projects we're not involved in - though that does beg the question "If we aren't involved in the project, do we need to be?"

Or have fewer of these meetings so we can get more work done. 'Cause 2+ hours out of a Monday morning really put me behind schedule. Man, was I swamped! I had another meeting at 12:00 so that pushed my swim back to the end of the day.

Ah, the swim. I was already tired and cranky from the day, so I was disappointed that there was a swim practice going on and all of us "non-swim practice" people were confined to one over-sized lane at the shallow end of the pool. There was already a guy there in that lane, so I tried to stay near the wall and out of the way - though that was nearly impossible when he did the backstroke - he's worse than I am at staying in a straight line. I mixed in a few laps of butterfly - he did as well and did better than I. He also clearly had way more practice than I had as well as an enormous gut - so, I didn't feel bad.

At least, not until I was back in the locker room and he told me "Good effort on the fly". I thanked him and made a little small talk, but I was not amused.

Good effort? Rough translation: "Nice try, but you still suck" It's like saying "Good hustle out there" = "You didn't get much accomplished, but nice job running around,"


Just wait till next time. I'm only going to get better and faster and I'm already vastly more hydro-dynamic.

Well, better get back to the systems. We've been having some issues today with a variety of web tools and I need to check and see what's back up.

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