Monday, November 23, 2009

Makes you look really heavy

First off, the good news: I got the picture of my inner eye reworked and uploaded to my website:

In a word - awesome. Looks like a storm on a distant planet.

I sent a note to the eye doctor's office this morning as a thank you for their help getting the photo - turned out really well. The initial version I got was a little dark and not that interesting. I boosted the contrast and the rich colors jumped out - I think it turned out really well.

Then the not so great news: I got a call from my mom on Saturday. I had taken myself for a walk to target for a few things and she called while I was in the store. Mostly not important stuff, but a nice chat anyway. Then she mentioned my haircut and said it "made me look heavy". Gee, thanks Mom. Now, how exactly I'm supposed to lose weight in my head she didn't mention, but I tried not to let it bother me. Unsuccessfully, it appears. Granted, she doesn't like the mohawk - and it appears most people don't - but whatever happened to the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"?

I mean, sure, talk about me behind my back - I'm fine with that. It's the civilized way to do it. But right to me?

Deep breath. I know she didn't mean to be rude - it just sort of happened that way. And maybe it was just the photo and I won't look like a fathead in person to her.

So, in other news... I beat the game Bioshock over the weekend. Really excellent and a whole lot of fun. Can't wait for the sequel. Went and saw 2012 - eh, not that great. Lots of explosions, but so-so acting and wildly improbable science. Evil neutrinos? Really? That's all you've got? Long movie too - almost 2.5 hours.

Well, short work week coming up - better get to it.

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