Sunday, November 29, 2009

Not just the turkey

I got out of work early on Wednesday and got on the road to visit my folks - but the early start put me in Columbus at 5:00. Not good. I got through with a little help from NPR. Those folks never seem to get worked up about anything and it helped me keep my calm.

My folks were not as freaked out by my mohawk as expected, so that was good. We had some pizza and watched a movie.

Thursday had us all up early - big breakfast and then an early turkey lunch. Good stuff. Mom went overboard as usual and we had a pile of food - resulting in turkey leftovers for dinner that night.

On Friday, Dad decided he wanted to try out the deep fryer on a roast - just for something different. We got the oil heated up and added in the roast and while that was cooking, Dad and I breaded cauliflower, mushroom, and onion rings. The roast was done on the outside after 10 minutes but still raw on the inside. So, we put it back in. When we took it out later we put it under foil so we could work on the rest of the food - onions last, of course.

(I despise onions, partly because of the taste but also I resent that I still taste them hours later. Once I'm done eating food, I don't think I should keep having to taste it.)

The oil may not have been hot enough, or the breading wasn't prepared right, but most of the batter fell off. The cauliflower and mushrooms were okay, but the onion rings were mostly bare.

Final result. The roast was like shoe leather and Dad refused to eat it - though Mom had some and the dog thought it was awesome.

All the fried food did a number on me, but I toughed it out and helped clean up the kitchen - since we'd pretty well trashed it.

On Saturday we went to a playing card store in town and I bought some new card games. We also tried to fix the outside light - even making a trip to walmart - but didn't have any luck.

I helped a little with the decorations, but avoided most of the actual work.

I was getting ready to leave on Sunday when my sister called and said she would be stopping by and could I hang out there for a bit. So, Mom fixed some chili and we had dinner before I headed out. My brother-in-law, who's an amputee and just recently had back surgery to remove part of a disk, used the phrase "I'm not a complete idiot - parts are missing". (He said he expected to end up in the blog, and he was right)

So, food adventures, lots of driving, and not as much sleeping in as I would have liked. We're still trying to plan for Christmas travel and I've got to work on my Christmas list and some shopping. Not really looking forward to work tomorrow, but those web pages won't make themselves.

Happy Thanksgiving

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